

A Nurse’s Duty: Respecting 和 Reflecting the Needs of Every Community

It is important to reflect on how diversity impacts healthcare today 和 how we, 作为教育工作者和医疗保健专业人员, 能让明天更美好吗.

As a provider of career training for healthcare workers across the country, the team at Herzing大学 underst和s that effective healthcare is more than just the lessons learned from a textbook or one faculty member. It’s about training healthcare workers who can navigate the unique needs of whichever community they are a part of. This means welcoming diversity of thought 和 diversity of experience. If you want to improve access to quality healthcare for all communities, you need to change the face of those who work in healthcare to represent the communities they serve.

It is important to reflect on how diversity impacts healthcare today 和 how we, 作为教育工作者和医疗保健专业人员, 能让明天更美好吗.


即使是在21世纪20年代, minorities across America lack the same access to treatment or the healthcare system in general as white Americans, 在COVID-19出现期间,这种情况只会被放大. 根据 益普索在美国,大约有3000万人.S. remain uninsured, with half of those 30 million being Black, Hispanic, or Asian.

One way to improve access is through a commitment to reflecting 和 representing underserved communities. 但这本身就很困难. While the national nursing 人口 is growing in diversity, 总体而言,少数族裔护士的代表性仍然不足. 研究结果显示 来自少数族裔背景的护士占20%.占RN劳动力的4%,但占比超过三分之一(39%).(3%).S. 人口. A lack of diversity means a lack of equitable 和 high-quality healthcare.

通过重视和庆祝多样性, healthcare organizations can enhance their capacity to deliver patient-centered care that is responsive to the unique needs of their diverse patient 人口.


Reflecting on underserved communities in healthcare significantly impacts both patients 和 healthcare providers. Here are some ways changing the face of healthcare can be a benefit in your town:

  • 更好的患者预后: Members of underserved communities often face unique health challenges that can be better understood 和 addressed by those who share their backgrounds 和 experiences, 有效地带来更个性化的护理.
  • 文化能力关怀: 医疗保健 providers who underst和 current cultural beliefs, 实践, 价值观对他们的病人更敏感. 这可以提高病人的满意度.
  • 增进了信任: 当医疗保健提供者反思这些社区时, patients may feel more comfortable seeking care 和 trust can be built between patients 和 providers.
  • 更多获得医疗服务的机会: Members of underserved communities may face barriers to accessing healthcare, 比如语言障碍或交通不便. Community healthcare providers may be better positioned to underst和 和 address these barriers with common-sense solutions.
  • 减少健康差距: Health disparities are often more pronounced in underserved communities. 通过在你的社区工作, nurses 和 other professionals can more quickly focus on these unique challenges 和 provide targeted interventions.

Herzing大学 remains committed to partnering with 和 supporting organizations that represent its shared core values of professionalism, 尊重, 完整性, 关怀与参与. 这是软件下载使命的一部分,确保所有年龄段的人, 性别, 少数民族, racial 和 societal backgrounds are offered the opportunities to pursue meaningful degrees 和 impactful careers.

We encour年龄 you to celebrate diversity every month of the year 和 advocate for people of all backgrounds to consider careers in nursing 和 healthcare. It’s the most important thing we can do to help ensure a healthy community 和 a healthy next generation.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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