


Cultural competence 和 respect for diversity have always been important in the healthcare industry.

Cultural competence 和 respect for diversity have always been important in the healthcare industry. 

与这些原则保持一致, Herzing大学-出赛 recently hosted the first of a series of virtual events about 护理的多样性. 的 series is designed to help answer questions about diversity 和 discuss how nurses 和 other healthcare workers can recognize 和 address differences. 护理学教授克里斯汀·哈格蒂和杰米斯·格拉斯,她赢得了她 护理学学士学位 (BSN) Herzing出赛 2018年,领导了关于患者护理关键差异的讨论.

Here are some of the topics discussed, including the different forms of basic hygiene treatment: 


美国医院协会 定义了 医疗保健的文化能力 作为系统为患者提供护理的能力具有不同的价值, 信念和行为, 包括定制医疗服务,以满足患者的社会需求, 文化和语言需求.

Nurses should continuously exp和 on their knowledge 和 competency 和 seek additional resources, 同时也认识到他们知识上的差距. 这最终要从个人意识到自己的局限性开始.

“I had never considered myself to be culturally naïve in my ability to attend to the basic care 和 hygiene of my patients. I pride myself on caring for each of my patients as if they were my loved ones,克里斯汀·哈格蒂说.

哈格蒂当了25年的护士 护士教育工作者 整整七年. 然而, 即使有她的经历, Haggarty humbly expressed that even the best nurses can still learn more: “I realized that there was a lot that I didn’t know, 所以我开始问问题.”


护士接受严格的教育, 临床 和 h和s-on training in college 和 on the job, but always need to keep learning. 他们必须愿意在自己的舒适区之外做研究, be ready to eng年龄 with their patients 和 admit when they don’t know something.

Nurses should keep their patient’s best interests at heart while acknowledging 和 being respectful of differences. 如果你对某件事不确定,可以问问题. 当涉及到基本的卫生或民族习俗时, 问病人是可以的, “你在家的日常生活是什么??这样你就可以在照顾他们的时候做同样的事情.


良好的卫生能促进健康、舒适、自尊和幸福. 基本的头发和皮肤护理是良好卫生的核心.

Nurses must be taught how to meet basic hygiene needs in culturally appropriate ways, 但并没有一种确定的方式来提供护理. 并非所有的皮肤和头发都可以或应该以同样的方式护理. Incorrect care can be damaging, harmful 和 could cause permanent break年龄 or hair loss.

例如, 而所有人类头发的结构都是一样的, there are differences in the distribution of lipids in the hair shaft that keep hair hydrated.  头皮产生皮脂. This oily substance moves from the scalp along the hair shaft, sealing in moisture. 头发越直, 流动越容易, leaving straighter hair prone to greasiness 和 daily shampooing is appropriate.  同时, curlier hair can be prone to dryness as the hair shaft is less saturated with lipids. 的 more porous or curly the hair type, the more moisture 和 conditioning are needed. 因为卷曲的头发需要更多的水分, it does not need to be washed as often as straight hair 和 could need a stronger conditioner – including a leave-in conditioner. 的 美国皮肤病学会(AAD) 建议清洗紧卷的头发 一周一次或更少. 经常清洗可以去除护理产品和一些皮脂, 可能是为了干燥头皮和头发. 

Jamice advised how to wash curly hair: “I would never put a shampoo cap on patients with curly hair. 然而, 如果你在紧要关头, 在给病人洗头之前,先用香波和婴儿油. 之后,在病人的头发上涂更多的婴儿油. 如果没有婴儿油或护发素,你可以用凡士林. 有总比没有好.”

像头发一样,不同类型的皮肤需要以不同的方式保湿. Typically, you’ll treat someone’s skin the same way you would treat their scalp. 如果有人头皮自然干燥, 他们的皮肤也很有可能是自然干燥的. 尤其是在洗澡之后, 皮肤会变得非常干燥, 所以给你的病人提供乳液是个好主意.

“如果软件下载不懂得如何照顾最基本的需求, how can we expect patients to trust that we underst和 how to take care of their more complex health issues?哈格蒂说.


尽管护士受过训练,可以照顾各种类型的病人, there may be situations where it is difficult to determine what type of care a person needs. 此外, it may be difficult to accommodate some personal cultural desires while providing personal care. 例如,病人可能不想用某种类型的肥皂洗澡. Nurses must learn how to balance cultural competence 和 the necessary skills to care for a patient while also acting as advocates for patients to ensure that healthcare facilities have a diverse supply of hygiene products to accommodate the needs of their diverse patient population

L.E.A.R.N. 模型 是一种实践文化能力的方法吗. 你应该:

  • L:听听病人对问题的看法. You should allow your patients to explain their side of the problem 和 what they want you to do. Even if you do not agree with them, you should try putting yourself in their shoes. Showing that you are willing to listen can go a long way in helping your patient.
  • E:解释一下你对这个问题的看法. 在你听了病人的话之后, you should carefully explain the problem 和 what you need/want to do to help. 不要使用复杂的术语,尽量表示同情. 如果你的病人打断你,尽量不要沮丧.
  • 承认并讨论差异和相似之处. 在解决分歧之前,试着找到一些共同点. 如果你能让你的病人知道你站在他们这边, 他们可能更愿意与你合作. Identify where there may be differences 和 try to pinpoint why these differences exist. 这会让你的病人知道你一直在倾听.
  • 医生:推荐治疗方法. 一旦你认识到关键的相似点和不同点, recommend treatments that will allow you to accomplish what needs to get done while being respectful.
  • N:协商待遇. 如果幸运28计划话,和你的病人一起看看你们在什么地方可以妥协. 如果你们能一起工作, you will foster not only a healthy relationship with your patient but also further develop your cultural competence.

持续的教育是关键, 和 nurses should continuously ask themselves: “Do I have the cultural competence to provide top-quality care?”



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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