

想继续你的护理事业? You may be considering moving away from the clinical setting 和 into leadership. Becoming a nurse administrator is one option for experienced nurses with the right qualifications. 也被认为是 护士经理, 护士管理人员, 护士董事 or 临床护理经理,护士管理员执行 职责不同于注册护士, 提供战略方向和计划, 同时管理护理部门的日常工作, 组织, 医疗保健设施. 从事护理管理工作, you can draw on your clinical expertise as you make decisions about staffing, 金融, 操作, 并提供高质量的护理程序, 为患者提供具有成本效益的护理.

在本文中, 软件下载提供了如何开始职业生涯的护理管理概述, 包括教育要求, 工资估计, 一般工作描述 & 职责,工作前景等等.


  1. 了解护士管理员的角色
  2. 成为注册护士(RN)
  3. 获得注册护士的经验
  4. 获得硕士学位(MSN)
  5. 得到认证

1. 了解角色:护士管理员是做什么的?

Nurse administrators provide leadership for nursing departments in hospitals, 长期护理设施, 私人诊所, 和更多的. 除了, nurse administrators draw on their knowledge 和 experience from clinical practice, as well as man年龄ment skills to carry out their duties 和 provide effective direction for their departments. 护士管理人员在医院的办公室工作, 私人诊所, 家庭保健机构, 以及其他组织. 的ir duties usually span both strategic leadership 和 operational man年龄ment.


  • 设定预算
  • 定义政策和程序
  • Working with boards 和 committees to set performance goals for nursing staff


  • Recruiting, hiring, arranging professional development for nursing staff
  • 制定工作时间表
  • Conducting performance reviews of nurses 和 taking disciplinary action where needed
  • 管理部门预算

Nurse administrators also coordinate with medical staff 和 represent their nursing department in meetings with hospital or other healthcare executives.


美国.S. 劳工统计局 (BLS) does not track aver年龄 salaries for nurse administrators specifically. 他们被归为“医疗卫生服务经理”一类, 被视为 临床管理人员.

根据 来自劳工统计局的数据在美国,医疗卫生服务经理的平均年薪是 $134,440 每年或 $64.64 每小时.*收入潜力会因地理位置等因素而有很大差异, 雇主, 职位的资历, 申请人经历, 以及责任范围. 发现 护士长能挣多少钱 by state 和 see an estimate of what medical 和 health man年龄rs earn on aver年龄 near you.


护士管理人员的就业增长前景强劲. 根据 劳工统计局, 招聘医疗卫生服务经理, 包括护士管理人员, 预计增长到 28%2022-2032 这比整体就业增长速度快得多.*

2. 成为注册护士(RN)

护士管理员的工作不是入门级职位. You can only be qualified for a job in man年龄ment or administration with valuable experience as a registered nurse with a unique, 为潜在雇主提供受过教育的方法.

的re are many paths Herzing大学 offers to get the education you need to 成为一名注册护士:

  1. 护理专业副学士学位. Earn your Associate of Science in 护理 (ASN) to get in the field fastest.
  2. 护理专业学士学位. Enroll in a 3-year program to earn a 护理学理学士 和 look ahead to potentially advancing into a master’s degree program. 的 BSN计划可在网上获得 和校园. 软件下载还提供 RN到BSN在线程序 for current associate degree RNs looking to transition from RN-ADN to BSN, a 二级护理专业 for applicants with a BS in another field looking to transition into nursing.
  3. 为医疗保健专业人员提供桥接选项. 软件下载提供更短的ASN和BSN路径 lpn护理人员军队医务人员呼吸治疗师(RT)心血管技师(CVT).

*赫zing的课程可提供性因校区而异. 点击查看每个程序的详细信息.

一旦你获得了副学士或学士学位, 你就有资格参加NCLEX-RN考试, 满足所在州护理委员会的要求, 成为一名注册护士.


现在通过 6月30日

3. 获得注册护士的经验

Once you have earned a degree 和 gone through the steps to 成为一名注册护士, you will need to gain experience in clinical practice as a registered nurse to be considered for a role as a nurse director or administrator.

Every 雇主 will have their own unique requirements 和 prerequisites for experience in nursing when hiring for an administrative role. 而不是设定一个工作年限, 努力在你所做的事情上做到最好, 永远不要停止学习, 并对新的机会保持开放的心态.

4. 获得硕士学位

一些高级护士管理员的角色也可能要求护士持有 护理学硕士(MSN)或学士学位加上商业或管理硕士学位. A master’s degree is an excellent credential you may use to become qualified for greater roles in nursing leadership.

Herzing大学 offers a master’s degree program built for registered nurses looking to step into an administrative role. 软件下载的护理学硕士 护理的领导 & 行政管理(MSN-NLA)课程 equip you with the education to help you reach the next professional level in nursing in a man年龄ment role. 你也可以考虑 公共卫生幸运28计划 作为一种选择.

了解更多关于一些 在护理管理方面,你可以用MSN找到的工作.

If you are interested in the business side of healthcare, we also offer an 工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士). This can be a great alternative career direction for nurses looking to transition from clinical practice to man年龄ment.

5. 护士长认证

虽然这不是必需的, obtaining nurse administrator certification may make you more competitive for advanced roles or with certain 雇主s. 证书通常颁发给拥有硕士学位的护士. 选项包括:


探索选择,把你的护理事业到一个新的水平? We offer multiple master’s degree concentrations for RNs looking to take the next step.

If you are currently a registered nurse 和 want to become a nurse administrator, we recommend pursuing your BSN degree (if you haven’t earned it already) 和 pursue an MSN focused on nursing administration.


Our goal is to help you get the education you need to reach the next level in your career. We are your lifelong learning partner, e年龄r to empower you to better yourself 和 become possible.

了解更多关于软件下载的MSN -护理领导 & 管理程序选项


*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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